
Challenging Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom

Image of daily challenge activities in green and blue task card boxes.

Are you looking for challenging tasks to give to your gifted and high ability students? Then keep reading…

Okay teacher friend tell me if this is you?

You have a few clever kids in your class, but you also have a lot of students who need extra support. You know your high flyers need to be challenged, but there is only so much time!

Did you say “yep, that’s me!”

Then let’s play an IF-THEN game

IF you don’t have daily challenge resources ready to go… THEN you will run out of time to plan for daily challenge and your smart kids will become bored and frustrated. I created a resource that makes challenging gifted students in the regular classroom so much easier!

Here is how it all began…

Before I created this daily challenge resource, I was struggling to make sure I always had challenging work prepped for my gifted and high ability students! You know, those 4 or 5 students who just ‘get’ everything quickly and fly through their work? I would resort to telling them to just read a book or help another student. I would feel guilty, and they would feel bored and frustrated!

These daily challenge tasks became a lifesaver!  Not only are they challenging, but they are also fun and engaging. This has allowed me to free up time in my teaching to support the students who are struggling whilst also challenging my students who need it. Once I realised the amazing benefits I was getting in my classroom, I laid out a plan to make sure you could also challenge gifted students in the regular classroom!

The Engagement Factor

Our brains love a good challenge! It also constantly seeks novelty. When we give it these two things it releases dopamine.

Dopamine stimulates higher learner engagement and excitement! Each of the resources in this bundle will give your students 16 challenging tasks that will give your students a dopamine boost!

task cards in task boxes for challenging gifted students in the regular classroom

The Differentiation Factor

Offering open ended and self-directed tasks is just one great way you can differentiate your teaching for your gifted and high ability learners.

These tasks offer a wide variety of extension and enrichment opportunities that will develop students critical and higher order thinking skills! Making challenging gifted students in the regular classroom so much easier.

task cards in task boxes for challenging gifted students in the regular classroom

The Fri-yay Factor

Everything was designed to save you time, that’s the fri-yay factor! Just print and cut once, store in a handy task card box and you have a resource you can use to challenge your students again and again. You’ll be ready to head out the door by 3pm Friday, every week!

task cards in task boxes for challenging gifted students in the regular classroom

Here is exactly what you’ll get!

Each Daily Challenge Bundle Includes:

  • 12 Different Daily Challenges
  • 192 Challenging Tasks
  • PPT Version for whole class challenges
  • Google Slides version
  • Task cards in colour and B&W

Ready to dive in and challenge gifted students in the classroom?

Are you ready to challenging gifted students in the regular classroom? Click the links below for instant access to my daily challenge bundles!

Daily Challenge Volume One

Daily Challenge Volume Two

Daily Challenge Volume Three

Daily Challenge Volume Four

Not sure if you have gifted and talented students in your class?

Check out this post on identify gifted students using common characteristics.

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