Promoting Divergent Thinking as an Enrichment Strategy for Gifted Learners

Promoting Divergent Thinking as an Enrichment Strategy for Gifted Learners

Imagine sitting in a classroom day after day, bored, patiently waiting for your peers to learn a concept that you mastered straight away. Enduring the slow pace and lack of challenge daily, your needs remaining unmet. Imagine doing this for years. We know that up to half of gifted students underachieve in schools (Commonwealth, 2001). However…

Unlocking Creativity: Lateral Thinking Activities for Gifted and Talented Learners

Unlocking Creativity: Lateral Thinking Activities for Gifted and Talented Learners

Do you find yourself pulling your hair out trying to think of ways to provide enrichment for your gifted and talented learners? Challenging gifted and talented students in a mainstream classroom can feel like a daunting task! I am going to show you how to can cater to your high ability students in the classroom…

How Can You Challenge Gifted and Talented Students in Your Classroom?
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How Can You Challenge Gifted and Talented Students in Your Classroom?

How do I differentiate my teaching for gifted students? What is the best way to support gifted students in my class? Do I need to challenge my gifted students? If you have ever asked yourself a question like this, you’re in the right place! This post shares ideas that help you to effectively help gifted…

Should we Care Less About Academically Gifted Children? Gifted Students Have Social and Emotional Needs too.

Should we Care Less About Academically Gifted Children? Gifted Students Have Social and Emotional Needs too.

This Harmful Quote Do we need to care less about whether a child is academically gifted? This harmful quote is pervasive throughout social media. I’ve seen it shared hundreds if not thousands of times. Every single time I see it my stomach lurches, my blood boils and my pulse speeds up. It infuriates me! And…

Twice Exceptional: Gifted and Learning Disabled

Twice Exceptional: Gifted and Learning Disabled

What is Twice Exceptional (2e)? Twice exceptional (2e) isn’t quite how is sounds. A twice exceptional learner is one whom not only has the potential for high achievement, but also has a learning disability of difficulty. These disabilities may include dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disorder, physical disabilities, autism spectrum, or other impairments such as…

Using Problem Solving Mats in the Classroom
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Using Problem Solving Mats in the Classroom

What is a Problem Solving Mat? A problem solving mat is a useful teaching resource that will guide your students through the 4 steps to problem solving. Each section of the problem solving mat matches a step in the process: How Can You Use a Problem Solving Mat? Why Teach Problem Solving? Problem solving helps to…

4 Steps to Teaching Problem Solving

4 Steps to Teaching Problem Solving

In 1945 George Polya published the book ‘How To Solve It’ where he identified four basic principles of problem solving. Polya’s principles are a great scaffold to teach your students how to solve problems.  It involves a four-step approach: Step 1: Understand the Problem Where should I start? It seems obvious, but how often do…